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Meeting Insights from Mamie

Writer: Dorit PerryDorit Perry

Every week we share best practices on meetings, teamwork, and leadership through our blog. This week, we’ve compiled posts that Mamie Kanfer Stewart, Meeteor Founder and CEO, has written for other publications on how to make the most out of meetings.

As a meeting organizer, have you ever led a meeting that didn’t go the way you expected? As a meeting participant, have you ever felt like a meeting was a waste of time? We thought so. Here, Mamie offers ways to correct the disconnect between meeting leaders and participants which costs your team time, energy, and morale. Learn the three questions to think through for your agenda and you’ll already be on your way to a more effective meeting experience. Read on.

Once your agenda is thoughtfully in place, it’s important to take notes during a meeting. In this piece, Mamie shares how to organize your notes to keep everyone on the same page and to help the team achieve and follow through on the meeting results. Keep Reading.

Keep Up the Energy: 3 Part Series

Mamie wrote a three-part series to help facilitators keep participants energized and engaged during long retreat sessions. You can also apply these strategies to longer business meetings.

It can be easy to forget the needs of introverts in an extrovert-centric culture. Yet everyone benefits when all voices are in the room, not just the loudest ones. Introduce small group discussion into longer meetings to fix this oversight. Read More.

People learn differently. One of the theories is to address visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and textual learning styles. Despite the research which questions these four learning styles, there is value in presenting information in various formats to satisfy different learning preferences and to fit the content itself. Find more inspiration in the infographic in this article. Read More.

The mind-body connection is real. Here, Mamie suggests how to incorporate physical activity through the setup of the room and the structure of the meeting to keep people engaged. Read More.

Whether you’re a regular reader or just finding us for the first time, we hope you find our content useful and engaging.If you’d like to see Mamie’s writing appear in other blogs or publications, please contact us at or tweet at us at @meeteorHQ.

Here’s to better meetings for everyone!

Mamie is now on Periscope. Watch her live-streaming acceptance speech at Auburn Lives of Commitment Awards! Video expires in 15 hours!


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